About company

To solve an ever-expanding range of tasks, the Spectromart was created - the experimental design bureau.

The purpose of the design bureau is to meet the needs of customers in non-standard equipment, budget options for more expensive equipment and analogues of equipment that is not available for purchase at the moment.

The main direction of the Design Bureau is the development of design documentation for measuring and laboratory equipment, as well as work on the manufacture of prototypes of measuring instruments, attachments, systems for introducing samples into analytical instruments.

Equipment and instruments manufactured by Spectromart are accompanied by designer's supervision throughout the entire life cycle of the product, from research and development to after-sales service.

Also, Spectromart can fulfill your orders for the design and production of various metal products using its own equipment.

At the beginning of 2022, Spectromart launched the production of laboratory furniture on a metal frame. In its catalog, our company has included all the most common and popular furniture models based on many years of experience working with our customers.

Many models of furniture can be modified according to the individual wishes of users. Surfaces used in furniture production also provide a solution to the entire set of analytical laboratory tasks (working with various acids, solvents, and other chemical components).

Kazakhstan, Semey city, Fizkulturnaya street, 4a
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